Designing for technology change

CLIENT: EnergyLab Nordhavn

Visualisation of 4 different user cases involving the concept of smart energy developed at EnergyLab Nordhavn


Being an integrated network for a new urban energy infrastructure, the concept developed at EnergyLab Nordhavn had to find an “easy way” to showcase how the concept would look when fully installed at Nordhavn urban area. A complex infrastructure consisting of many different sources and technologies had to be distilled into a communicative and visually understandable form, that could communicate with target groups and different stakeholders.


We were given the task by EnergyLab Nordhavn to make a concept of the visualisation of 4 different user cases, that involved the concept of smart energy developed at EnergyLab Nordhavn. We were also given the tasks of facilitating and participating in a work shop with representatives from smart energy living labs in Trondheim, Malmö and Helsinki.

The user cases were meant as a tool to identify all the necessary elements for a demonstration of an integrated energy solution developed by EnergyLab Nordhavn.


A0 infographic boards with the different elements in the user cases. These boards are also to be used as a kind of “brick lottery parts”, with the ability to be switched into different configurations as a way of visualizing new and different combinations of the use of smart energy.

Facilitating a workshop with the purpose of bringing ideas and input with regards to what the need for visualisation is in other smart energy cities.

To identify the challenges with creating internal system integration as well as making progress with projects, which involves a complex set of organizations and different professions, and the challenges of having to communicate with different external target groups and stakeholders.



Visualisation of 4 different user cases involving the concept of smart energy developed at EnergyLab Nordhavn

EnergyLab Nordhavn

Smart energy


Visual communication
Concept visualization

Infographic boards
Facilitating workshops


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