Designing for technology change

CASE: Storyboarding for R&D

INDUSTRY: Wind energy

WHEN: 2008-2011

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In order to create a greater overview and to make the process more efficient, we introduced a design method called storyboarding, enabling the Special Tools dept. and stakeholders a full overview of the entire system of processes around the core product; the wind turbine. Creating storyboards is a fast paced iterative process with all relevant stakeholders involved. Starting by visualizing the current way of transporting and installing the turbine, the optimization of the process is made specific.
The visual approach enabling everyone to have a full understanding of the whole process, and at the same time optimizing the number of special tools needed in the transportation process.



The Special Tools division section of Vestas R&D develops transport, installation and maintenance solutions.
For the development of Vestas V112-3.0MW, the Special Tools department was part of the product development process – in contrary to previous projects. This was done in order to handle the difficulties of the increased size of the turbine.



What was delivered was a set of visualizations effectively boosting the development. Furthermore in developing the solutions visually, the Special Tools dept. were able to communicate their recommended new process and handling tool solutions, enabling greater cooperation within the organization - R&D sub units(tower, blades, nacelle, etc.), Sale Business Units (Europe, US, etc), top management, Service.


What client say

"KIRT x THOMSEN has special competences with the areas of customer focused requirement specification and design. They have excellent skills within conceptual sketching, picture handling and 3D visualization making complex processes and technical solutions understandable – and making selection of the right solutions easier. Thier competences have a direct and positive value adding effect not only in the design phase but even more important the impact that choosing the right solutions early has on the cost when solutions are implemented. The tasks that KIRT THOMSEN has solved in the V112 project had not been possible to solve without their competences within the time line that we have had."

Thomas Poulsen
Project Manager / Transport & Handling Solutions / Vestas Technology R&D